- Gegevens
- Geschreven door webmaster
Let me introduce myself: my name is Hans van der Ham and I am on 1 November, the successor of Louis Rentrop as the webmaster of this website. Louis stopped at his own request on the same date as webmaster. If you want to know more about me, visit my website: www.van-der-ham.net.
Below a number of changes and new features of this new website.
First is the web address changed. This is now: www.ekseption.eu. If you keep something in your favorites, please change it.
There are two new- and active e-mail addresses, namely: Dit e-mailadres wordt beveiligd tegen spambots. JavaScript dient ingeschakeld te zijn om het te bekijken. and Dit e-mailadres wordt beveiligd tegen spambots. JavaScript dient ingeschakeld te zijn om het te bekijken.. At the bottom of each page.
The webmaster address is only for web-technical issues such as error messages, do not work on pages / links, suggestions on readability and other web business.
The address information is linked to the owner of this site: Inez van der Linden. ALL matters concerning the content (articles, photos, videos) should now go through this address, so NOT via webmaster!
Then about new features of this website.
You see upper right search field. You guessed it: you can search for a word. If this word occurs on the site, you will see all the pages where this word occurs, you can then click.
In addition, an opportunity to log in with: it makes no sense to try this, this option is there reserved for Inez and myself. We can ev online articles then create and modify.
Technically, it is possible to register as a visitor, then you would get to see more options than -niet- members, but I put out this possibility. Is not possible.
On the menu:
Under News Now find the News of the current calendar year. Find all posts by 2014 you will find now under Archive. In this same investigation. Options Also in 2014 will therefore move to archive after January 1 axis.
All News and Reviews per item will also now on the site, so not in one long file. Multiple benefits: better overview to printing- per article or redirect, etc. separately on the front page, ev per article on a Facebook page.
You see upper right every article two icons appear: one for printing (from that article) and one for forwarding you to ev other interested party. Just try it out.
You often see right below the "Read more". After clicking on that, you see the whole article. Also weather better overview, but in addition you can also see in that case some additional icons left below the article. This allows you to more desirable concerning Article put on your own Facebook timeline and / or "like".
Twitter is also possible, but not tested by me, I have no Twitter account anymore.
You see under Photo's also the Photo Album option. It will be clear what that is. Nice to know is that you have the ability to put it on your Facebook also here the whole album, the albums individually or by photo. To do so you will see a symbol in the shape of a crooked arrow. Again, try it out, if you have a Facebook account.
The Guestbook I temporarily, unchanged from the old site.
The present there Forum is NOT accepted.
However, I note that the Guestbook longer had the function of a Forum and the Forum has not been used for some time.
I still consider to turn back due course a Forum and renew the Guestbook. They should be, however, in this case it is used for which they are intended. But here I am not out yet.
The "Newsletter" option is still remained intact, as well as the address file. Here also the possibility that this is going to be renewed once.
Now there is also the ability to play audio files (MP3) on the site. A limited number of MP3s on the site will also provide stand. Obviously no files that are for sale. Will be especially for old collection files. See example below News: Concert Mannheim.
There will also be some "doctored" the next time can be added to the site. Improvement is a continuous process. The site never "ready" will be named in this sense, can.
I wish you much fun with this new Ekseption website.